Saturday, June 20, 2020

Basket #9: mini harvester

 Basket #9 -- miniature harvest basket, buff willow and red osier dogwood trim.

Still pleased with the base and handle, but the top border and overall weaving needs work. Learned "French randing" for the basket walls, which uses 24 weavers simultaneously -- I normally use one weaver at a time. It was very confusing and I pulled it apart twice before I just went with it. That knotted row at the bottom of the buff colored wall is supposed to be like the rest of the wall, but I think I finally understand this weaving stroke.

I need to figure out a way to close the gaps where the walls meet the base. 

This basket was rough going and its probably the basket I'm the least happy with over all. It was actually supposed to be a growler carrier, but the walls kept bowing outward so it wound up being way too wide. Now it's a small harvester basket.

The red osier dogwood looks beautiful against the buff willow and I'm super happy with the tight weave on the base. 

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